Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Crowe's Nest Farm Trip

A trip to Crowe's Nest Farm is always a hit for the Regent's Kindergarten. It is the first field trip of the year and it ties in to their study of animals(life cycle). From ostriches to owls to buffalo to milking cows, the farm has it all. The best part for most of the kids is the hay ride and it was no different for this bunch. Here are a few pics:
Lauren and Cheyana
Watching the milk
The Milking cow

Lauren and her sweet friend Faith
Malcolm LOVED the snakes

Malcom, Tiago and Chase

Ready to tour the farm!

The class

Love this picture-as they left the farm, they thanked God for allowing them to come and experience the farm and prayed for the continued health  and well being of the animals