Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PJ Party

To celebrate being out of school and Santa's impending arrival, we had a PJ brunch for friends. It was a family affair with all of the cousins hosting the fun party!

Pictures from the invitations:

Some of the food(via pinterst)

Hostess Kate-patiently awaiting her friends....patiently

Eagle getting his cruz on

The chocolate fountain...may it rest in peace....

Hot chocolate station(note to self-get two bags(at least) of gingerbread marshallows next year!)

Sweet Eagle and his momma
We think everyone had a good time. Guests were asked to bring PJ's and/or new books to donate to the Pajama Project-love that we will have a good amount of stuff to give them before the holidays ( :

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The North Pole Flyer

On the train to the North Pole

Here are some clearer pictures taken with my camera...
Lauren found her seats

Kate and her Superman

Best Friends

Lauren & Lexi

Kate and Thomas

The girls and Santa

Playing Foot War(followed a long match of thumb war with Mr Westmoreland)

Mrs Claus hands out cookies

Singing Christmas songs
the kids of the bunch(there were 22 of us total!)

Lunch at Double Daves

best friends

10 minutes in on the ride home....a good time was had by all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Strep stinks

Had a fabulous weekend in Dallas with the entire RSP group! Sadly Kate started feeling icky Sat night and by Sunday morning she could keep no food in her tummy. She complained about her throat and had a low grade fever that Tylenol couldn't take away. Our favorite dr checked her out this morning-it's strep throat but we did get medicine(including anti nausea thank goodness). On the road to recovery so hopefully she doesn't miss the Christmas performance and class party this week!

Should mention this milestone-Kate has not missed a day of school this semester-have NEVER had that with our little preemie! So she will miss a few days this week but still like the precedent.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Practicing to be Mary

Her performance is not until Wednesday but she has begged to try on the costume so she can "practice".

Lauren's Christmas Recital

Lauren had her very first voice recital today. All dressed up in her Christmas finest, she and her partner Gideon started the show with "All I Want for Christmas is a Hippopotomus". It was the hit of the show and Miss L loved all the attention!

Friday, December 09, 2011

Errands Playdate

The girls loved spending the afternoon with Jacob-even if it only meant running errands. His mom is frantically packing for their upcoming move and we were able to keep him out of her hair for a little while.
We bought popcorn at Popcornopolis and hit up the train nearby...Next time I may actually let them all run and play ( :